5 Tips to Get an Accurate Siding Estimate

The roofing or siding job estimate you receive is crucial. It should contain a comprehensive breakdown of all costs associated with the project. An inaccurate or incomplete estimate could leave you with a nasty surprise once the job has begun.

To ensure you’re signing off on a fair estimate before you begin, learn about the various components that go into siding projects. Here are five pointers from a trusted roofing company to help you get an accurate siding quote and avoid any additional costs.

1. Consider Location

Several factors, such as the height at which you work, might increase the cost of a siding installation. Repairing or installing siding on a multi-story home, in difficult-to-reach areas such as behind thick shrubs, or with architectural details like eaves may cost more than a simpler design.

2. Prioritize Quality 

Prioritize quality over all other considerations when selecting a siding material. Don’t be fooled by “cost-effective” choices that appear to be good on the surface. Because of their maintenance requirements or sheer quality, some solutions may cost more in the long run. Look for durable, energy-efficient and aesthetic solutions when choosing a new siding system for your home to get the most out of your investment.

3. Consider the Timing

For instance, since spring and summer are often the busiest seasons for roof replacement and home repair, having your siding installed during these seasons will almost always cost extra. The siding estimate you’ll receive from your contractor will reflect this.

4. Request Multiple Estimates

You don’t have to ask just one contractor for a quote. You have the option of getting siding quotes from multiple contractors. This allows you to compare and contrast their rates, as well as determine which contractor would be the best to work with. You can also use this time to come up with questions to ask them about the position. Remember that a competent siding contractor will always take the time to answer all of your questions, ensuring that you are completely satisfied before the process begins.

5. Recognize the Effects of Siding Size on Cost

The cost of your siding project is heavily influenced by the size of your home. Keep in mind that the more square footage you have, the more materials you’ll need. Not to add that the size of your home affects labor prices because it takes longer to complete. Keep this in mind when you’re getting your next siding estimate.

A schedule or a quote isn’t everything when it comes to roof and gutter repair. Give Tango & Gatti a call if you want to work with specialists that are as concerned with quality as they are with customer satisfaction.

To schedule a free consultation, give us a call at (330) 621-5536 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate today. We serve residents in Canton, OH, as well as its neighboring areas.