When to Replace Your Fascia Boards

Fascia boards are long, straight boards that run along the lower edge of your roof. They are essential in supporting your gutters and protecting your home’s roof line from water damage. However, over time,  they may wear out from exposure to weather, needing replacement to keep your home in good shape. To avoid more serious damage to your home, knowing when to replace your fascia boards is important. 

Keep reading as Tango & Gatti guides you through the indicators that suggest your fascia boards need replacement.

Signs You Need New Fascia Boards

Visible Signs of Rot and Fungus

One of the obvious indications that your fascia boards require replacement is rotting wood. The presence of mold, mildew or fungus indicates moisture has penetrated your boards, which led to eventual rot. This situation is common in damp and humid conditions. If left untreated, it will affect the stability and health of your roof.

Peeling Paint

While paint provides a protective barrier against moisture for the wood, it can only do so much. When your paint begins to peel, it indicates that moisture has begun to infiltrate. This can lead to potential harm to the underlying wood.

Evidence of Pest Infestation

Pests like insects and small animals can do considerable damage. They can burrow into and eat away wooden fascia boards. If you spot any signs of infestation, such as ants or sawdust, it’s vital to address this promptly. Pests won’t stop at your fascia boards and may eventually extend to your roof and interior.

Water Damage in the Attic

The attic can provide significant clues about the condition of your fascia boards. If you notice water stains on your attic ceiling or along the rafters, this could indicate your fascia boards are not diverting water to the gutter properly.

Leaky Gutters

Fascia boards act as a support for your gutter system. If your fascias are damaged, your gutters may not work properly. This can result in leaks or overflow, affecting the health of your roof. 

Watch out for pools of water or leaks near your home’s foundation as these can be signs of failing fascia boards. Timely gutter repair can save you a lot of trouble by preventing water damage to your fascia boards.

Cracked or Split Boards

Cracks or splits in your fascia boards may be due to weather exposure or old age. The fissures allow water to seep into the boards, initiating rot and potentially leading to larger issues.

Trust Tango & Gatti for All Your Roofing Needs!

Replacing fascia boards on your own isn’t just difficult; it can be downright dangerous. An expert can assess the situation and provide a comprehensive solution. Turn to a reputable roofing company like Tango & Gatti for your roof replacement needs. Call (330) 308-8213 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation. We proudly serve clients in Canton, OH, and nearby areas.