When Is Roof Replacement Better Than Repairs?

Any roofing issue, whether big or small, must be addressed promptly. However, in this kind of situation, it’s common for homeowners to debate whether to have their roofs repaired or replaced. In this post, we share tips to help you decide which would be better for your roofing.

Roof Repair vs. Roof Replacement

A repair usually involves fixing a specific problem area on your roof, like replacing a few missing shingles. On the other hand, a roof replacement means your entire roof gets an overhaul. This is usually necessary when damage is widespread or the roof has reached its lifespan.

Signs That You Need Roof Repair

Common signs that you need roofing repair usually include the following:

Don’t ignore these signs. Even small issues can lead to significant and costly problems down the road if not addressed promptly.

Signs That You Need Roof Replacement

The following are some indicators that suggest roof replacement is necessary:

Additionally, if your roof is over 20 years old, it might be time for a replacement. We offer excellent roofing services to help you make this big decision.

Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Roof Repair and Replacement

Cost is vital when deciding between repairing and replacing your roof. Repairs are usually cheaper, but you also have to think long-term. Constant repairs can add up if your roof is nearing its lifespan, making replacement a more cost-effective choice.

Age is another aspect to consider. A new roof won’t need as much upkeep as an old one. But remember, it’s always important to consult a roofing expert before making any decisions.

The Importance of Hiring a Professional Roofing Contractor

Trying to repair your roof by yourself might seem like a good way to save money, but it can lead to more damage and costs in the long run. A professional roofing contractor brings experience and expertise to the table, ensuring your roof gets the best care possible.

Tango & Gatti is a trusted local roofing expert. We can assist you with all your roofing needs and deliver quality services. Call us at (330) 308-8213 or visit our contact page to schedule a consultation. We serve homeowners in New Philadelphia, Canton and Barnesville, OH.