What Are the Risks of a Leaky Roof?

A minor roof leak may not seem like a big deal—but it is. Delaying repairs on a roof leak, even a tiny one, is always a mistake. It’s only a matter of time before a small leak grows into a big one, putting your home at risk of water damage, mold growth, and even structural issues.

Read on as Tango and Gatti, your premier roofing contractor, discusses some of the hazards caused by a leaky roof:

Insulation Damage

Moisture build-up in your attic can damage your insulation. This causes thermal energy to escape your home, forcing your HVAC systems to work harder and your utility bills to rise. It also creates a breeding ground for mold growth, which can spread into your home and pose health risks to you and your family.

Structural Deterioration

Once water enters the roofing system, it can travel down along the decking and panels. The wet wood will eventually rot and lose its resilience, causing the roof to sag. Left untreated, the wall may bow and the foundation may become waterlogged. This is an expensive problem to fix, so once you notice a minor leak, have a roofing expert like Tango and Gatti to fix it immediately.

Fire and Shock Hazard

Water might short electrical wiring in your attic or ceiling, which can cause a fire. This is why, as soon as you spot a leak, you should turn off the power to the circuits that run through the affected area and call an electrician.

Avoid these problems by being checking your roof’s condition regularly. If you detect leaks or other signs of damage, turn to Tango and Gatti right away. We have the proper skills, knowledge, and tools to keep your roofing system healthy all year round. Call us today at (330) 303-4222 for more information about our services. We serve Canton and Barnesville, OH.