The Effects of Humidity on Roofing

Different things can damage your roof in different ways. Some of them, such as inclement weather, can quickly cause damage to your roofing system, while others are more slow-going but no less harmful. Excess humidity belongs to the latter. But how exactly does it affect the service life and performance of your roof? A premier residential roofing contractor in the area, Tango & Gatti, shares the essentials you need to know. 

Water Damage

Contrary to what most people think, water damage to the roof can still occur when it’s not raining. That’s because outdoor air remains damp even on the sunniest days. When combined with excess heat, the humidity outside your home can seep through openings on your roof, encouraging minor leaks and moisture damage.

Weakened Roof Structure

It’s not just outdoor moisture you have to be wary of. You also need to consider the humidity level inside your home. Any household tasks that involve using water generate a substantial amount of moisture in the air. It’s possible for indoor moisture to escape into the attic and remain there. The bad news is that the trusses and decking, which are the components that make up the roof structure, are usually made of wood or wood composite. Their exposure to humidity makes them susceptible to mold and rot, weakening the roof structure in turn. 

But the good news is that preventing humidity from causing harm on your roofing system is easy. You can do the following:

Request a Roofing Quote

When it comes to high-quality residential roofing services, you need not look any further than Tango & Gatti. With our exceptional workmanship and customer-centric solutions, we’ll make sure your roofing upgrade goes on safely and smoothly, from start to finish. Call us today at (330) 308-8213 or fill out this contact form to schedule a roof consultation. We proudly serve the areas in and around New Philadelphia, Barnesville and Canton, OH.