The Effect of Blue-Green Algae on Roofs

In the summer, you might notice dark stains creeping across your roof. As your local roofing company in Ohio, we can get rid of these pesky algae in no time. Read on as we discuss algae and how we can restore your roof to its former pristine glory.

Cause of Blue-Green Algae on Your Roof

Heat and humidity in the summer can make your roof a breeding ground for algae. The algae turn dark to protect themselves from the sun’s UV rays. While algae won’t cause much damage to your roof, it can have a disastrous effect on your curb appeal.

Ways to Clean Blue-Green Algae

The simplest way to clean blue-green algae is to scrub them away using bleach and water. You can then rinse them off using any normal hose or garden sprayer. Still, it is best to ask for your roofing contractor’s help if you need a more thorough cleanup of your roof.

At Tango and Gatti, we can handle your next roof replacement project. We offer a wide selection of high-quality roofing projects that can significantly improve your home’s curb appeal, weather protection and energy efficiency. As an added benefit, our roofs come equipped with special features to reduce the risk of algae growth.

In addition to our roof cleaning, repair and replacement services, Tango and Gatti offers premium siding and gutter repair services for homeowners in Ohio. Call us at (330) 303-4222. We serve homeowners in Canton, OH, and nearby areas.