Roof Maintenance Myths and the Truths Behind Them

Since your roofing system continuously protects your property, it is important that you maintain it on a regular basis. Unfortunately, widespread misconceptions about roof maintenance may prevent you from doing so properly. Read on as Tango and Gatti, your local roofing solutions expert, separates roofing myths from reality.

Myth: Advanced Technology Has Resulted in Maintenance-Free Roofs

Today’s roofing materials have undergone major breakthroughs, allowing for better roofing systems. While they are durable, easy to install and efficient, they still need some level of maintenance to perform properly. By being proactive about roof maintenance, you ensure that your roof is always in top condition and can even extend its service life.

Myth: You Can Choose Not to Maintain Your Roof

Some homeowners and business owners choose not to maintain their roofs because they think it is time-consuming and a waste of money. When a roof is left unattended for long periods of time, underlying issues will manifest and eventually cause damage that requires costly repair. Proactive roof maintenance is far more cost efficient than repairing serious damage that could have been prevented. Don’t wait for your roof to reach the point where it needs immediate attention. Maintain it regularly to save money on costly repairs in the future.

Myth: Specific Warranties Cover All Roofing Problems

Warranties are there to protect your investment. However, your roofing warranty doesn’t cover everything, which is why it’s important to read the fine print.

Take materials warranties, for example. They only cover roofing material defects, which are just one type of roof damage. Material warranties don’t cover roof failure caused by incorrect installation or poor maintenance. This is why it is important to maintain your roof regularly and proactively rather than trusting that your warranty will bail you out should anything go wrong.

Whether you own a home or a commercial property, local roofing contractor Tango and Gatti, Inc. is here to provide you with the high-quality roofing service you deserve. Call us at (330) 303-4222 or fill out our contact form to get started on your roofing project. We serve Barnesville and Canton, OH.