Pros and Cons of Roof-Overs

Your roofing system is a component of your home that needs to be maintained regularly to ensure your safety, energy efficiency and curb appeal. The same can also be said for your roofing shingles. In this post, the top local roofing company, Tango & Gatti, shares the pros and cons of placing a new roof of your current roofing shingles.

What Is a Roof-Over?

In layman’s terms, a roof-over is when your roofing contractor decides to install a new-roof over your old shingles. They choose not to remove the old sheathing and lay over new shingles for numerous reasons. However, you need to keep in mind that this isn’t allowed in some states. This decision comes with its fair share of benefits and drawbacks. Read on to find out more about it.

Pros of Roof Overlaying

  1. Cheaper Installation Fees. The primary reason homeowners choose the roof-over route is the savings that they’ll get. On average, you can save around $600. Not to mention that you’ll also save on sanitation, disposal, and dumpster rentals as well.
  1. Less Mess. When your roofing contractor is on-site, you’ll find out that the work area isn’t that messy since they don’t have to throw away a lot of stuff in the first place.
  1. Quicker Completion Time. Since your roofer doesn’t have to tear off your old roof and clean the mess, it will let you complete the project quickly.

Drawbacks of Roof Overlaying

  1. Can’t Spot Existing Problems. Your old shingles could hide problems that get worse over time. A few examples of these are leaks, rotten wood and mold growth which are costly to repair or replace.
  1. Added Weight to Your Roof. The additional layer adds stress on your roof decking which can take a toll on your roof, especially during the winter due to the snow accumulation.
  1. It Can Get Hotter. The additional shingle layers will make your roof hotter since the heat trapped inside can cause your shingles to show signs of deterioration even faster. This holds true, especially if you’ve added shingles over damaged shingles.

Tango & Gatti is your leading provider of roofing roofing services in Ohio. Give us a call at (330) 303-4222. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Barnesville and Canton, OH, as well as the surrounding communities in Ohio.