Maintenance Tricks to Extend Your Roof’s Lifespan

Just because you invested in high-quality materials doesn’t mean you don’t have to maintain your roofing system. In today’s post, Tango and Gatti, your leading local roofing contractor, shares how to keep your roof in good condition.

Invest in Regular Roof Inspections

Many people think the only time they need to inspect their roof is after a storm. This is untrue; you need to evaluate your roof’s health at least twice a year to prevent underlying issues from worsening.

Prioritize Roof Repairs

Delaying repair is one of the worst things you can do to your roofing system. Loose, missing or damaged shingles can affect the entire system’s performance and even its lifespan. Promptly address any issue, no matter how small it may seem, to avoid further problems and costlier repairs.

Avoid DIY Roof Repairs

Entrust the job to professional roofing contractors rather than trying to fix your damaged roof on your own. Your lack of experience and knowledge in the field will put your safety at risk. Plus, one roof repair mistake can impair the entire system, so it’s best to hire the pros to solve any roofing issue.

Inspect Other Components

There’s more to your roof than the shingles. Your roof consists of many components that work together to protect your home from the elements. This means maintaining your attic ventilation units, gutters and flashings is necessary to preserve your roof’s health.

Turn to Tango and Gatti Inc. for roofing maintenance. Our team will guide you through the entire process to help you get the best value for money. Call us today at (330) 303-4222 to learn more about our products and services. We serve Canton and Barnesville, OH.