Is It Better to Have Bigger Gutters?

Replacing old gutters with new ones can further enhance a home’s protection from the damaging effects of moisture. However, many homeowners wonder if going for bigger gutters is always a better option. One of the experts in gutter repairs explains how size is an important consideration for this home improvement project.

The Role of Gutters

Gutters serve as silent protectors of our homes. Their key role is to control the flow of rainwater, safeguarding your home’s roof, walls, and foundation from water damage. They’re not just metal troughs attached to your roofline — they’re instrumental in maintaining the structural integrity of your home.

The Debate: Bigger Gutters or Not

The size debate often leaves homeowners puzzled. Typically, there are two standard gutter sizes — 5 and 6 inches. The latter handles more rainwater than the former, and offers a more robust appearance that can immediately add visual impact to your roof and add curb appeal to your home.

While bigger gutters can handle more water, they may not be necessary for every home. Factors like the volume of rainfall in your region, the slope of the roof, and the roof’s surface area influence how big or small the gutters you need to install.

The Expert Opinion: Tango & Gatti

Who better to trust when making decisions than a professional roofing company like Tango & Gatti? With years of experience and expertise, our team can tell about how the right gutter size isn’t just about bigger or smaller but about finding what’s best suited to your home and specific conditions.

Trust Us With Your Gutter Needs

Ready to discuss your gutter and roofing needs? If you’re in New Philadelphia or Canton, OH, the Tango & Gatti team is here for you. In addition to gutter repair and replacement services, we also install gutter protection systems and perform inspections and cleaning. Count on us for your roof replacement needs as well. Don’t hesitate to call us at (330) 308-8213, or complete our online form.