How Can Winter Weather Impact Your Commercial Roof?

Winter weather can affect the health of your roof in big and small ways. To give you a clearer picture of what you should look out for, reputable roofing company Tango & Gatti discusses three roofing issues that commonly occur in winter.

Expansion and Contraction

Your roof warms and cools as temperatures fluctuate, causing it to expand and contract. These shifts can potentially result in cracks, splits, shrinkage and additional stress on the seams. Most commercial roofing systems are designed to withstand extreme temperature changes. However, older roofs may experience more strain, increasing the likelihood of leaks.

Wear and Tear

Sealants may crack or shrink during winter. An aging roofing system may become brittle due to the extreme cold. In addition, seam elamination and small punctures on the roof may become bigger when water starts entering these gaps. If the damage is extensive, consider roof replacement.

Ice Dams

Your drains, gutters and downspouts may freeze during winter. When this happens, water will likely pond on your roofing system, potentially creating ice dams along the perimeter. Aside from being a potential safety hazard, melted snow and ice may eventually run into flashings and leak into your facility. One way to avoid this problem is by clearing the drainage paths of leaves and debris. You might also want to consider installing heated gutters to prevent your gutter system from freezing.

Tango & Gatti is committed to top-notch workmanship, whether we’re doing a simple gutter repair or a commercial roof replacement project. Our team ensures that every job is done according to industry standards so that you can get the most value for your money. Call us at (330) 308-8213 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Canton, OH.