How Can Roofing Affect Insurance Rates?

Since severe weather events are getting more common recently, home insurance has become an essential element for most homes. Despite this necessity, many homeowners are hesitant to get insurance coverage due to the costs associated with it. We highly recommend getting insured to secure your investment in the long run. In fact, your roofing contractor will tell you that your roof above your head can help you get better coverage. We’ll explain more in today’s blog. 

Age of Your Roofing System

Insurance companies will provide discounts for newly-installed roofing systems or roofs that aren’t more than 10 years old. This is because new roofing systems won’t have as many issues compared to old roofing systems, provided that they have been installed properly. Older roofing systems will require higher insurance premiums due to pre-existing problems.

Roofing Condition

Your roofing contractor will tell you that before securing an insurance coverage, your insurance company will send an adjuster to check your roof’s current condition. They will closely check your roofing system for issues and they will have you fix it as soon as possible. Once you finish doing so, they can approve your insurance application.

Climate Conditions

Insurance companies will charge higher insurance rates for installing materials that aren’t meant for your local climate. For example, dent-prone roofing materials will be charged higher insurance rates in areas where hail storms are frequent. You can get lower premiums if your area isn’t prone to hail using the same roofing materials.

Tango & Gatti is your leading provider of roofing roofing services in Ohio. Give us a call at (330) 303-4222. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Barnesville and Canton, OH, as well as the surrounding communities in Ohio.