Asphalt Shingle Color: Light vs Dark-Colored Shingles

One of the most important decisions you will make when tackling roof replacement is your choice of color for your shingles. The color is not only about the appearance of your roofing system. In fact, color plays a significant factor in your home’s cooling capabilities as well as the savings you can achieve in your energy bills. 

Professional roofing company Tango & Gatti discusses the pros and cons of light and dark asphalt shingles. 

Dark-Colored Asphalt Shingles

Dark shingles are found in most houses, ranging from gray to dark brown. They are easy to manufacture and provide protection with classic asphalt coating. In addition, dark shingles are typically more affordable.

When exposed to direct sunlight, dark shingles tend to absorb heat from the sun’s rays quickly. The heat travels through the roof and into your home or attic. Excessive heat may cause condensation issues in the attic and make it difficult to cool down your home, contributing to a rise in your energy bills. 

During winter, however, dark shingles are more beneficial than their light-colored counterparts. Seeing as they absorb the sun’s heat and help warm the indoors, dark shingles are a top roof replacement choice in colder climates with long winters and short summers. 

Light-Colored Asphalt Shingles

Light shingles are made of light gray and white panels. Because they are generally a niche market choice, they are more expensive compared to dark shingles. Unlike their counterparts, light-colored shingles reflect the sun’s heat rather than absorb it.

For this reason, light-colored shingles tend to last longer and keep the house cool during hot summer days. With these installed, homeowners can save money on their energy bills over time. 

When choosing between dark or light shingles, be sure to consider your local climate and how much sunlight you get in the summer. To help you determine which color best fits your roof and your home, get in touch with Tango & Gatti. We also provide top-quality gutter repair services and more. Call us today at (330) 308-8213 or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. We proudly serve homeowners in Canton, OH.