A Typical Roof Replacement Timeline

You should never replace your own roof. However, knowing what goes on during roof replacement can help you with managing it and recognize problems that might cause delays or overspending. In today’s post, local roofing contractor Tango & Gatti shares a look at what a typical roof replacement timeline looks like.

Part One: Planning

Before a roof can be installed, it has to be planned thoroughly. You can start planning well ahead of hiring a roofer by picking out styles and comparing roofing materials and accessories. You can then choose your roofing contractor based on your project requirements and secure financing for your project. If you’re unfamiliar with roofing options, don’t worry: your roofing contractor can help you navigate your options.

Part Two: Preparations

Preparations can begin after you’ve signed your roofing contract and made your initial payment. During this time, your contractor will secure necessary permits and order materials, which will be delivered days ahead of the installation date. During this time, you can start preparing your home by applying dust covers to furniture and appliances and clearing space in the yard for material deliveries. You may also need to make arrangements for temporary accommodation, as the replacement process will likely disrupt your daily routines.

Part Three: Installation

The first few hours of roof replacement usually begin with more preparations in order to prevent damage to non-roofing parts of your home. Roof installers will cover indoor and outdoor paths with boards and/or drop cloths, while landscaping will be covered with tarpaulin. Areas under the roof edges will also be covered with material that will help catch discarded roofing, which will be later collected in dumpsters provided by your roofer. The stripped-down roof will be inspected for structural issues and repairs will be performed as needed before installation can proceed. The completed roof will then undergo a quality inspection.

Part Four: Cleaning Up

Once the roof passes the strict quality checks, the installers will begin cleaning up. Remaining discarded material will be collected in dumpsters and the yard will be swept for nails using large magnets. High-powered vacuum cleaners will be used indoors and outdoors to ensure a thorough clean. Depending on the terms of your contract, your roofing contractor may dispose of the discarded materials themselves or you can hire a local disposal service to do it. Finally, a representative from your roofing contractor will follow up after a few days to complete your warranty registration, collect the final payment, and answer questions you have about your new roof.

Tango & Gatti is your leading provider of roofing roofing services in Ohio. Give us a call at (330) 303-4222. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Barnesville and Canton, OH, as well as the surrounding communities.