4 Tips to Keep in Mind When Doing a Storm Damage Inspection

After a strong storm hits your area, you need to inspect your roof for damage. Keep in mind that not all storm damage is obvious; this is why an inspection is crucial. In this post, Tango and Gatti, your trusted local roofing company, lists four things to keep in mind when conducting a preliminary storm damage inspection.

1. Identify Leaks

Your roof may develop leaks as a result of the recent storm. While finding the source of a leak is tricky and should generally be left to professionals, you may be able to patch up small leaks on your own. For larger leaks, just make note of where the damage is and let the professionals handle the rest.

2. Check the Gutters

Your gutters play a critical role in protecting your roof, especially during storms. Unfortunately, the gutters might get damaged during a storm, so be sure to inspect them. Do a preliminary check on your eave spouts and fascias too to determine if you need professional gutter repair

3. Check for Missing Shingles

Some storm-driven winds are powerful enough to blow the shingles completely off your roof. Examine your roof from the ground using a pair of binoculars to see if there are missing shingles. Similarly, you’ll want to check for cracked and curled shingles, as these need to be replaced, too.

4. Clean Up the Debris

Debris left on your roof from a storm can eventually rub and scrape the granules off your shingles. When this happens, the roof’s waterproofing abilities are compromised and your home’s protection will suffer.

At Tango and Gatti, we offer storm damage repair and roof replacement services. After your preliminary roof inspection, call us at (330) 303-4222 so you can determine what needs to be done to get you roof back into prime condition. We are a local roofing company serving homeowners throughout Canton, OH.