4 Things to Do When a Contractor Tries to Upsell You

Upsells are tactics that consumers will periodically encounter, whether at the malls, the bank or even when talking to home improvement contractors. When a remodeling or roofing contractor tries to upsell you, it’s good to be aware of what they’re doing, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t hear them out.

In this article, Tango & Gatti lists four things to do when a contractor resorts to upsells, hard sells or scare tactics.

1. Take Your Time – Whenever a contractor tries to upsell you, it’s important that you take your time to make a final decision. While doing so, make sure to do the necessary research and ask them the questions you deem important. That way, you can determine if you really do need what they’re trying to upsell you.

2. Just Say No – On the other hand, if you find that you don’t need what they’re upselling for your home or roofing system and they’re still pressuring you, there’s nothing wrong with just saying “no.” After all, you are the employer and you get to decide what to do with your own money.

3. Understand What They’re Proposing and Why – Before you say no to whatever it is your contractor is upselling, however, it’s a good idea to understand what they’re proposing and why. After all, you may come to realize that you really do need what they’re proposing. A good contractor will take the time they need to explain things to you so you understand. If they refuse to do so, it might be best to part ways with their company and find a better contractor.

4. Avoid Scare Tactics – If your contractor resorts to scare tactics to get you to buy whatever they’re upselling or insists that you must avail the product or service today, avoid them entirely and find another contractor to get the job done instead.

For your roofing requirements, turn to Tango & Gatti. We will never resort to hard sells or scare tactics. Give us a call at (330) 303-4222 or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Canton and Barnesville, OH, and nearby areas.