4 Signs of Roof Failure You Need to Be Aware Of

Your roof is your home’s main line of defense against the elements, which is why you need to keep it in top form at all times. In today’s post, Tango and Gatti, the leading roofing company in the region, shares the top four signs that indicate your roof is already failing:

  1. Roof Has Exceeded Service Life: Most roofing systems last up to 30 years. Even if your old roof appears in good shape from the ground, it’s important to have a professional assess its condition regularly. This will determine if you can extend its service life or it’s time to replace it.
  2. Granule Buildup in the Gutters: Granules provide a layer of protection on the shingles. If your gutters are loaded with granules, then your roof is already losing its functionality. Inconsistent or darker color on some portions of the roof can also indicate that the granules have worn away.
  3. Missing Shingles: Heavy winds can blow off some of your roofing shingles, impairing your roof’s performance. We can patch up a few missing shingles to maintain your protection, but if the damage is widespread, a roof replacement would be a more cost-effective solution.
  4. Sunlight Through the Roof Boards: If daylight can pass through your roof, so can other harmful elements. Make sure to check for water stains in your attic as well. If you detect any, observe them over a few rainfalls. If they grow, that means you have an active leak.

You can enjoy exclusive benefits when you turn to Tango and Gatti for your next roof replacement.

In addition to roofing services, we also specialize in siding and gutter repair. Call us at (330) 303-4222 for a free quote. We serve Canton, OH, and surrounding areas.